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Who is ikigai capital?

Ikigai Capital is a strategic consultancy business focused on energy transition for institutional investors, large energy consumers and operators in the energy sector. We support energy users to address various energy concerns aimed at reducing carbon footprint and moving the energy transition forward.

What does ikigai mean?

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being.". The word "ikigai" is usually used to indicate the source of value in one's life or the things that make one's life worthwhile.

Is ikigai the secret to happiness?

But if wrapping yourself up in chunky knit blankets and eating all the pastries you could lay your hands on didn't fix your woes ( it sure didn't for me ), you might find the secret to happiness in the Japanese concept of ikigai.

What is Ikigai Ni Tsuite?

There are many books in Japan devoted to ikigai, but one in particular is considered definitive: Ikigai-ni-tsuite (About Ikigai), published in 1966. The book’s author, psychiatrist Mieko Kamiya, explains that as a word, ikigai is similar to “happiness” but has a subtle difference in its nuance.

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